This site is maintained as a static archive only. Manuel P. Asensio is now dedicated to the St. Johns Republican Presidential Executive Committee an organization of members of the Republican Party of Florida in St. Johns County, Florida dedicated to the improving the GOP’s presidential policies towards the administration of the US Judicial Conduct Act and the US Rules Enabling Act, and the regulation of organized federal judicial corruption at the US Judicial Conference.
Manuel P. Asensio is a fierce fighter for Americans God-Given natural rights and civil liberties. He is Cuban born American patriot. He escaped Cuban Communism two weeks after the Bay of Pigs fiasco on May 15, 1961. Manuel grew up in an Italian-American neighborhood in Brooklyn, New York with a Catholic church, and parochial school at its center.
Manuel's mother, Caridad Asensio, is the cofounder of the Caridad Center, Florida’s largest free health clinic and one of the largest in the nation. Caridad is a member of Florida’s Women’s Hall of Fame. Caridad is also a recipient of the National Jefferson Award and Thousand Points of Light Award given to her by President Clinton and President Bush in White House ceremonies.
Manuel is the founder of Asensio & Company, LLC, the nation’s first Wall Street firm dedicated to exposing stock fraud. The press dubbed him the “Most Hated Man on Wall Street,” “Demolition Man” and "Attila the Hun." Later, as the benefits of his work to the transparency in our capital market became well-known, the National Bureau of Economic Research recognized him as the nation's Pioneer of Informational Arbitrage.
Manuel authored the Wall Street classic “Sold Short: Uncovering Deception in the Markets” that chronicles Manuel’s adventures battling Wall Street bankers and brokers, corporate executives, and the press who were either investing or defending fraudulent companies trading in the stock market while at the same time fending off their institutional protectors, FINRA and SEC.
He also wrote and produced “Trump Unites All Americans!” a graphic novel based on his real-life experiences starring his daughter, Eva Asensio, President Trump, his former US Attorney General Bill Barr, and Chief Justice John Roberts.
Trump Unites All Americans is based on Manuel’s work as the founder of the Institute of Judicial Conduct, the nation’s leading independent authority on the administration of the US Judicial Conduct Act of 1980 and policymaking at the US Judicial Conference and US Judicial Councils.
Manuel holds degrees from the University of Pennsylvania Wharton School and Harvard University Business Graduate School.
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